Celebrating Mildred Council’s 95th Birthday

Celebrating Mildred Council’s 95th Birthday

Mama Dip’s Kitchen, located at 408 W Rosemary Street in Chapel Hill, commemorated what would have been its founder Mildred Council’s 95th birthday on Thursday, April 11, 2024. The restaurant celebrated by reverting some prices to their 1976 levels,...
Carrboro Mayor Barbara Foushee 

Carrboro Mayor Barbara Foushee 

In 2023 Barbara Foushee was the first Black woman elected as mayor of Carrboro and the second Black person to hold the office.  Foushee has served on Carrboro’s town council for six years. Foushee grew up in eastern North Carolina and graduated from Saint...
Ms. Lillian Lee

Ms. Lillian Lee

Lillian Lee is one of those guardians of the Chapel Hill community who puts her arms around the town’s soul, holds its close and tries to protect it. And she’s done an amazing job. In 1965, during her husband Howard’s graduate school years, she joined a colleague —...
Howard N. Lee

Howard N. Lee

One of the great moments in civil rights history took place in Chapel Hill on May 6th, 1969. That’s when Howard N. Lee was elected mayor of this town. In so doing, he became the first African American elected mayor in a predominantly white southern town since...
Tressie McMillan Cottom

Tressie McMillan Cottom

Tressie McMillan Cottom is a sociologist, professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, columnist for the New York Times, and a 2020 MacArthur Fellow. Her 2017 book, Lower Ed, has been cited by influential American policymakers, among them the esteemed...